Embossed Bar  
The Lord Baden-Powell Award
For Scouting Excellence
On The World-Wide-Web
The Award Grant Process  
"Here's what happens."

A) If you have created (or are aware of) a Scouting, Guiding Website that deserves special recognition, LET US KNOW! Nominations can be submitted (by anyone) by completing the the Award nomination form.

B) Once the Award nomination form is submitted, the form's contents are apended to an on-line 'Nomination Queue.'

C) The Evaluation Team utilizes the 'Nomination Queue' from within a special 'Evaluation Website' to visit each submitted Website to perform an evaluation. When completed, their evaluation results are forwarded to this site's Webmaster. (Please visit the "Does My Site Qualify" page to learn more about the Award criteria.)

D) All evaluation results are then tabulated by this site's Webmaster. A simple formula is used to determine if an Award is to be granted and what level it should be granted at. The formula is as follows:

(sum of site scores) / (number of evaluators) = Award Score

Scores between 50 and 149 earn the Honorable Mention (One Fleur), between 150 and 249 earn the Two Fleur, and between 250 and 300 earn the Three Fleur or Quality Organization Awards. (Please visit the Award Levels page to learn more about the Award Levels.)

E) Finally, each awarded Webmaster is notified of the evaluation outcome, and directed to a 'special' URL to learn about their Award, and to obtain instructions about displaying the Award Icon on their pages (should they desire).

NOTE: Nominated webmaster(s) will be notified via e-mail ONLY if an award is granted their site.



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